Services are held every Sunday 10.30am-11.30am

(3rd Sunday of the month in the Sunday School Building)

Messy Church is held the 1st Sunday in the month 4.00-6pm in the Sunday School Building (Term time only)

All welcome!



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Thursday Lunch Club

Thursday Lunch Club (TLC)

The Thursday Lunch Club which takes place every other Thursday in the Thornsett Room in the Sunday School Building, is a great opportunity to have a bite to eat whilst also enjoying the company of the other people who attend. During cold weather it is also a warm space for people to go to. The club has a great welcoming atmosphere and there is always lots to chat about. Some of the conversation can be about ‘putting the world to right’, some of it can be hearing the interesting stories other people have to tell and some can be having a good laugh about something. Normally, there is soup and sandwiches and then cake and coffee/tea. Some people bring food and others make a voluntary donation. The club would love to welcome new people.  Although the club meets every other Thursday it doesn’t matter if you can only attend occasionally.

Please see the calendar for the dates that the club meets each month.

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