(3rd Sunday of the month in the Sunday School Building)
Messy Church is held the 1st Sunday in the month 4.00-6pm in the Sunday School Building (Term time only)
All welcome!
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Please click on the three stacked lines on the blue bar below to access the various sections of the website like the 'Church Activities', 'About us' and 'News' etc. (NB when viewing on a mobile, you may have to shift the page content to the left to see the drop down arrows. The drop down arrows give you access to any subsections, e.g 'Who's who' and 'What we do' under the 'About us section').
We are a Congregational Church. We believe in and respect the spiritual equality of all believers. Congregationalism is an ideal, supremely biblical and simple way of being church.
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"Church is what happens when people come to Christ,
and seek to serve and witness together, with total trust in God"
Read scripture together and allow it to shape our welcome and love for neighbour...
Discover what Jesus is already doing in our community and learn from it...
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Our services
We welcome everyone of all ages to our services. Except for the 3rd Sunday in the month our services are held in the church itself (the 1st Sunday in the month is a Communion Service). The normal format for these services is for the children attending to be in the service until approximately half way through. At that point any children who want to, are invited to go to the Sunday School Building for Sunday school activities. On the 3rd Sunday in the month the service is held in the Sunday School Building and is an all age worship format and everyone is together for the whole service. The children work on the craft activites in the hall.
(For a fuller description of the services, please see the descriptions in the calender section of the website)