Services are held every Sunday 10.30am-11.30am

(3rd Sunday of the month in the Sunday School Building)

Messy Church is held the 1st Sunday in the month 4.00-6pm in the Sunday School Building (Term time only)

All welcome!



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History of Chinley Independent Chapel

Some Church History


Photo © John Piper 1903–1992


Chinley Independent Chapel was founded in 1662 by Rev. William Bagshawe (one of about 2,000 ministers and teachers of the church who failed to conform to the Uniformity Act of 1662). On St Bartholomew's Day, 24th August, 1662, Rev. Bagshawe (then vicar of Glossop) and others who rebelled against the Uniformity Act of 1662 were deprived of their living and ministries.

Rev. Bagshawe (who was also known as the 'Apostle of the Peak') then moved to Malcoffe Farm occupied by his brother-in-law who willingly consented for a barn on his farm to be converted into a Chapel. This became the place of worship for him and about 120 members who attended Sacramental Services there. He preached regularly to this gathering until 22nd March, 1702 -the day he preached his last sermon.

After Rev Bagshawe's death in 1702, the members of the church led by the Rev. James Clegg started the work on finding a suitable place for building of a new Chapel. And in 1711, Chinley Independent Chapel (or New Chapel as was known to some) pictured above was built. An Independent Congregational Church, our church is governed by its members -who acknowledge each other as equal partners and members of the family of disciples. The relationships built amongst church member is based on the person of Jesus Christ and his teachings in the Holy Scriptures. 

"Congregationalism is an ideal, supremely biblical and simple way of being church".

"It is what happens when people come to Christ, and seek to serve and witness together, with total trust in God".

Members of the church will share their stories and journeys together, they will ensure eveyone's involvement and all their stories heard. They will pray together, pray for one another and for their community. They will share God's Word together, regularly share in worship and Communion together.

Ecumenically, we work together with other Christian sisters and brothers of other traditions in our communities.

Chinley Chapel is a friendly and welcoming community.


So if you would like to find out more, please get in touch with us.


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